Thursday, March 7, 2013

How to Impress a Girl and make her Fall in Love to you

Love is life. A man can’t find anything better without love. Love is the perfect thing to live in this world. And we all live only for love. Love and girl the two words and we can’t get those easily. Most of the people who get a perfect I mean real love he have to do more struggle and than he can get the “PURE LOVE”. And the issue that how can we impress a girl. Or what’s type of path we have to cross for getting a pure love. There are lots of ways to impress a girl. You can be choosing a girl in anywhere. In my own opinion, to impress a girl is one kind of art. Because if you take an aim like an art so I think you must success otherwise you can’t. Let’s go for a check some quick and easy way to impress a girl:

1. You have to wear a good and innocent suit in your face and obliviously mind it that it’s not a matter that how cute to look your face is! If you have a good face cutting so it will be a plus point for you. Innocent look important to impress a girl on the road.

2. Listen more than talking. Every woman want that anybody carefully hear her so it’s very important to you that give an importance to her words as well; even if it is boring. And it’s very important to impress a girl on bus.

3. You have to look clean. It’s a very important part for you. Women like those men who are always stay clean.

4. You have a good confident power because women always like confidential men.

5. Always try to be funny. They always love funny people.

6. Just proved that you are very caring because they like someone care her always.

7. Try to consult about your family especially about your sister. What she (your sister) likes or what she doesn’t likes.

8. You have a good personality and women attracted to a good personality.

9. Talking more about her studies, hobbies etc. Just mind it that don’t advice her.

10. Give her an opportunity to think about you that, you are so good and also polite in manners. And at last, you should have a good presentation power.

You should follow all this instruction if you want to impress a girl even she lives besides your home. And I warn you that if you perfectly apply those you will success in your own aim.

Posted by: Raju Bhuiyan
on March 8 2013

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