Thursday, November 26, 2015

What Is Love?

What is love?

What is love?

Love is a four characterize simple word and it is a noun. But it’s not very simple with it’s meaning. It is a sea. There is no actual definition about love with one word, one sentence, one paragraph, one article, one book. Although many people express various definition about love. When all the definition simplify than it stands that “Love is one kinds of attraction for other people who is very important.”

[Which things we will learn from this article just check it out now:

Quotes of Love

Many people many mind. Many people express love differently so we refer here two popular love quotes. You can read these below:

William Shakespeare quote of Love

Another Popular Love quote of William Shakespeare 

William Shakespeare another quote of Love

If wants to know more about William Shakespeare check now.

Sarah Dessen quote of Love

If wants to know more about Sarah Dessen check now.

Types of Love

Types of Love

Love has Various types. But types of love never ends. For examples: A mother love her child, A child love his mother, A man love his country, A boy love a girl, A girl love a boy, An elder brother love his younger brother, A brother love his sister and many more. No people can’t make a list of love because it is quite impossible.

Which types of love got more focus?

Which types of love got more focus?

The issue is true that love types has no end with a list as well. But among all types of love one type got more focus in peoples. The name of more focusing type of love is when a boy love a girl on the other hand a girl love a boy. It’s call relationship between a boy and a girl. Also read Special tips and tricks to impress a girl now.

The last thing of love is

Love is nothing, it’s only one kinds of attraction/appeal with someone else who is very popular in one’s mind. People express many things about love but the list is not end yet because it’s a sea. So don’t try to find what is love when you try to find this meaning the meaning would be LOVE-Loss Of Valuable Energy. As a result you lost your time and energy. So, LOVE MORE, BUT DON’T SEARCH MORE ABOUT IT’S MEANINGS.